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Happy customers

I love this!
Zeva’s body potions give the words “soft and supple” a makeover. Before Zeva’s, I thought I knew what good lotion was, but now I see that there was more potential. Zeva’s perfectly crafted formula is nurturing and melts right into the skin. I never felt like I had too much on or that there was a film sitting on my body- and the scent is yummy! I will definitely recommend to friends.
Avery Nusbaum
Apr 01, 2021
Moisture during a dried out pandemic
Between the constant washing of my hands, the hand sanitizer usage on the go and the ongoing stress related to the COVID pandemic, my hands are constantly feeling like a dried out desert. I have developed cut up tears in my fingers and lack the ability to retain moisture. I was introduced to Zeva’s who allows for a buttery based moisturizer that helped my hands get smooth and stay smooth ! The Shea butter mixture has provided a calming formula for my skin during a tough period. Thank you, Zeva’s!
Adam Charny
Dec 21, 2020
This skin potion makes me feel like a baby seal. I put it on my entire body right after I get out of the bath. I truly love it. Our home has multiple jars placed around for pick dry patch use to long lavish post bath time routines.
Sierra Voss
Dec 28, 2020
Radiant soul glow embodiment activation
Zevas feels like bathing your body in radiant golden light encoded with healing, love, rejuvenation and pure magic. The simple yet profound act of adorning my body with this activating potion especially after a beautiful sacred bath time is one of my favorite ways to celebrate my being, and deepen in love and intimacy within. Deeply grateful for this thoughtful potion that consistently reminds me to shine my radiance and love the skin I was blessed to adventure through paradise in ❤️
Feb 04, 2021
Good quality skin-care for when you are on the go!
I have always been low maintenance when it comes to my skin routine and at the same time, I am only interested in natural products. Since having two children the time I have to take care of myself has shrunk exponentially. I love Zevas because it is natural and efficient. I put it on my face in that hard to help under eye area, and immediately it makes a big difference after one of those long nights with little sleep. I totally recommend this product to busy people who want good quality and natural ingredients.
Tara Joy
Mar 31, 2021
Ahhhmazing massage lotion!
As a licensed massage therapist for the past 11 years I am well acquainted with massage oils and lotions. This Radiant Skin Potion is really the best of all I’ve experienced. It both penetrates and moisturizes the skin, keeps the skin moist and is non-greasy. This means I need to use maybe 1.5-2 tablespoons max of the product to easily massage the whole body, it doesn’t just soak in and need to be re-applied endlessly AND it also doesn’t only stay on the surface of the skin so the skin is not moisturized in the end. It’s really a very well crafted product. Plus the smell is subtle and powerfully soothing at the same time. It is completely natural so I am not worried about using it with my most sensitive clients.
Leela Parker
Apr 01, 2021
Amazing Product!
Zeva's Radiant Skin Potion arrived a few days ago, and already I can tell a difference in my skin! Annoying, itchy rashes are quickly diminishing, and in this short time, I'm no longer woken up by itching. I also decided to try it in place of my usual face cream (Bobbi Brown), and the immediate difference is astonishing. Wrinkles have vanished, and my 62-year-old skin feels moisturized throughout the whole day. I will be using this from now on and recommend it to everyone!
Diane Strickland
Dec 25, 2020
Working Hands And. Seasonly Itchy Skin
I use this product to address super dry hands from rough working conditions. I am always impressed with how much even one application of this product resolves super dry and cracked hands. I also use on body to deal with seasonal itching and dryness. Finding a product that doesn't leave me sticky has prevented me from incorporating something into a daily routine. I love the consistency of this product.
Dana San
Dec 28, 2020
Cleared up my dry skin overnight!
I had been trying everything to clear up this horrible dry skin on my forehead, and cheeks. I was gifted zeva’s radiant skin potion from my cousin after trying everything in my Arsenal. I was skeptical but I applied it before bed and woke up with soft, smooth, happy skin. I would give 10 stars if I could! Highly recommend!
Sylvia Bunnell
Mar 15, 2021
I love this!
Zeva’s body potions give the words “soft and supple” a makeover. Before Zeva’s, I thought I knew what good lotion was, but now I see that there was more potential. Zeva’s perfectly crafted formula is nurturing and melts right into the skin. I never felt like I had too much on or that there was a film sitting on my body- and the scent is yummy! I will definitely recommend to friends.
Avery Nusbaum
Apr 01, 2021
Moisture during a dried out pandemic
Between the constant washing of my hands, the hand sanitizer usage on the go and the ongoing stress related to the COVID pandemic, my hands are constantly feeling like a dried out desert. I have developed cut up tears in my fingers and lack the ability to retain moisture. I was introduced to Zeva’s who allows for a buttery based moisturizer that helped my hands get smooth and stay smooth ! The Shea butter mixture has provided a calming formula for my skin during a tough period. Thank you, Zeva’s!
Adam Charny
Dec 21, 2020
Adam Charny
Dec 21, 2020
Sierra Voss
Dec 28, 2020
Feb 04, 2021
Tara Joy
Mar 31, 2021
Leela Parker
Apr 01, 2021
Diane Strickland
Dec 25, 2020
Dana San
Dec 28, 2020
Sylvia Bunnell
Mar 15, 2021
Avery Nusbaum
Apr 01, 2021
Adam Charny
Dec 21, 2020
Sierra Voss
Dec 28, 2020
Feb 04, 2021
Tara Joy
Mar 31, 2021
Leela Parker
Apr 01, 2021
Diane Strickland
Dec 25, 2020
Dana San
Dec 28, 2020
Sylvia Bunnell
Mar 15, 2021
Avery Nusbaum
Apr 01, 2021
Adam Charny
Dec 21, 2020
Sierra Voss
Dec 28, 2020
Feb 04, 2021
Tara Joy
Mar 31, 2021
Leela Parker
Apr 01, 2021
Diane Strickland
Dec 25, 2020
Dana San
Dec 28, 2020
Sylvia Bunnell
Mar 15, 2021
Avery Nusbaum
Apr 01, 2021
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